Native Women RISE: Empowering Careers and Overcoming Workplace Challenges

bloom communications career growth strategies cultural identity in the workplace native women empowerment native women rise professional development for native women workplace challenges for native women Sep 16, 2024
The Stark Reality for Native Women in the Workplace

Native women face unique challenges in today's professional landscape:

  • Native women earn only 59 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men.
  • This wage gap results in an annual loss of $28,747 and nearly $1,149,880 over a 40-year career.
  • Native women face higher job instability, especially in part-time roles.
  • Discrimination, both overt and subtle, is a common experience, leading to feelings of isolation.

These statistics aren't just numbers—they represent real challenges in financial stability, home ownership, education, retirement savings, and overall quality of life for Native women and their families.

A Journey of Growth and Discovery

All my life, I've been on a journey of growth, both personally and professionally. The idea for Native Women RISE didn't come in a single moment of inspiration—it's something that has grown within me over time, shaped by the challenges I've faced and the lessons I've learned as a Native woman navigating career and life.

Walking in Two Worlds

Many of us have found ourselves in spaces where we didn't want to stand out. This could be due to various cultural values we were raised with—humility being just one example—or simply not feeling ready to step into the spotlight. As Native women, we understand this duality: balancing living our culture with the expectations of professional life. We walk in two worlds, and sometimes that can feel overwhelming.

The Birth of Native Women RISE

Throughout my career, I frequently sought advice and guidance from other Native women. I actively looked for mentors, but in my work environment, there weren't many Native women in leadership or supervisory roles when I first started my professional journey. This scarcity highlights the ongoing need for a program like Native Women RISE.

Over the years, I've noticed other Native women coming to me for advice or to share their experiences. I've been honored to be a part of their journeys, learning from them as much as I've been able to offer in return. That's where the heart of Native Women RISE comes from—the idea that we don't have to do this alone. We can learn, grow, and lift each other up.

Why Native Women RISE?

Native Women RISE is about creating a space where we can come together, share ideas, and support one another as we each walk our own paths. This community is built on reciprocity, mutual respect, and a commitment to professional development. It's not just a support network—it's a comprehensive program where Native women can learn valuable skills, find opportunities, and connect in a way that feels authentic and culturally relevant.

At its core, RISE stands for:

  • Reach: Extend our capabilities and network
  • Inspire: Motivate each other to achieve our full potential
  • Support: Provide guidance and resources for career advancement
  • Elevate: Raise our professional profiles and career skills

These values shape our community, helping each other grow not just as professionals, but as women who care deeply about our careers, families, communities, and culture.

A Community of Abundance

One of my strongest beliefs is that there's enough of everything for everyone. I like to say, "There's enough pie for everyone; it's all in how you cut it." This abundance mindset is at the heart of Native Women RISE. We're not competing with each other; we're collaborating to create more opportunities for all of us.

This community is designed to be a safe space where Native women can:

  • Bring their full selves
  • Learn practical skills for career advancement
  • Share experiences and best practices
  • Support each other's professional growth
  • Navigate the unique challenges we face in the workplace
Growth Strategies for Native Women

As part of Native Women RISE, we focus on key strategies for success:

  1. Balance Work and Life: Set clear boundaries and prioritize self-care.
  2. Seek Coaching: Connect with experienced professionals who can guide your career journey.
  3. Build a Network: Join a community of like-minded Native women professionals.
  4. Keep Learning: Invest in continuous education and skill development.
  5. Embrace Your Cultural Identity: Use your unique perspective as a strength in the workplace.
Who is Native Women RISE For?

Native Women RISE is designed for Native women who want more out of their careers and professional lives. Whether you're just starting out or have years of experience, this program offers a space where you can grow, learn, and share with others who are walking the same path.

This program is for Native women who are:

  • Ready to step into new roles and professional growth opportunities
  • Eager to build their skills and gain confidence in the workplace
  • Looking to connect with other Native women who share similar career goals
  • Committed to personal and professional development
  • Seeking support in overcoming workplace challenges
Join Us

Native Women RISE is more than just a vision—it's a practical, actionable program designed to elevate your career and address the unique challenges Native women face in the workplace. By joining the Native Women RISE waitlist, you'll:

  • Be the first to know when the program launches
  • Gain access to exclusive Founding Member benefits designed to support your professional journey
  • Connect with a community of like-minded Native women professionals
  • Access resources and strategies to overcome workplace barriers

Take the first step toward building a community where we can learn, grow, and rise together. Join the waitlist here and become part of this transformative movement.

Together, we learn. Together, we grow. Together, we rise.

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