How Community Fuels Career Growth for Native Women Professionals

alaska native women career growth strategies career success tips community support empowering native women mentorship for native women native women native women career growth native women rise networking professional development for native women women in leadership Sep 30, 2024

In the pursuit of a successful career, the focus is often on developing personal skills and individual effort. But there's a critical element that deserves more attention: community.

The Power of Village Wisdom

Growing up in a small, close-knit community in rural Alaska, I learned early on that success isn’t just about the individual—it’s about supporting one another. We relied on each other, sharing knowledge, resources, and support. This interconnectedness shaped my understanding of what it means to truly show up for others.

“If it wasn’t for this community, I wouldn’t be who I am today. So, I decided to give it back”  – Lorraine Titus (Legacy of Our Elders video)

But I’ll be honest—I didn’t always carry this wisdom with me as I navigated my career. There were times I made decisions or missed opportunities to show up for others because I wasn’t prioritizing the importance of community. It wasn’t until later that I began to see just how critical community is—not only for personal growth but also for the success of those around us.

The Challenges of Going It Alone

Throughout the years, I’ve witnessed the struggles Native women face when navigating career growth without a strong support network. The transition from our close-knit communities to larger towns or cities for employment can be overwhelming. The isolation and uncertainty are real barriers to success.

Without a strong network, even the most capable individuals can feel disconnected and unsupported. Lack of mentors, peers, or colleagues to rely on can make new environments daunting, hindering growth and limiting opportunities.

How Community Fuels Your Career Growth

So how exactly does your support system help you grow in your career? Here are some powerful ways it makes a difference:

  1. Mentorship and Guidance
    One of the most valuable aspects of being part of a network is access to mentorship. Having someone more experienced to offer guidance can fast-track your learning. But remember, mentorship is a two-way street:
    • Seek mentorship: Look for those who’ve walked the path you’re on. Their insights are invaluable.
    • Become a mentor: Sharing your experiences helps others and deepens your own understanding.
  2. Opportunities for Collaboration
    Being part of a community creates opportunities for collaboration, where new ideas can flourish, and you can work alongside others to solve challenges. If you're in a leadership role:
    • Actively look for ways to offer development opportunities to those seeking growth.
    • Create projects that allow for cross-generational collaboration, blending traditional knowledge with modern skills.
  3. Emotional Support
    Having emotional support during difficult times can make a huge difference. Whether you're navigating stress, setbacks, or uncertainty, having people who understand your unique challenges is invaluable.
    • Lean on your community during tough times, but remember it’s also important to be there for others. Supporting one another strengthens the entire network.
    • Practice active listening. It’s an underutilized skill that can significantly enhance our ability to support one another and build stronger connections.
  4. Expanding Your Network
    Communities naturally expand your network, opening up new opportunities. Early in my career, I had the opportunity to be part of creating a professional organization for process technology. Despite feeling out of my depth at times, the connections I made from this effort have lasted throughout my career.
    • Step out of your comfort zone—attend events, join professional groups.
    • Don’t underestimate the power of your existing connections. Your aunt’s friend or your former classmate might hold the key to your next big opportunity.

Native Women RISE: Our Community, Our Strength

For those who feel they don’t have the support they need, finding or building a network is a powerful step. That’s why I created Native Women RISE. It’s more than just a network—it’s a movement.

Native Women RISE is about:

  • Providing resources and training to help you thrive in your career.
  • Creating a space where Native women can connect, support one another, and share experiences.
  • Offering mentorship opportunities to address our unique challenges and strengths.
  • Celebrating our successes and learning from our setbacks together.

Your Next Steps

  • Reflect: Think about your current network. Who supports you? Who could you support more?
  • Reach Out: Connect with a mentor or offer to mentor someone else.
  • Join Us: Join the waitlist for Native Women RISE and become part of a community that understands and uplifts you.

Remember, our individual success is intertwined with the success of our support systems. When we rise together, we rise higher.

Are you ready to harness the power of community in your career journey? Join the Native Women RISE waitlist today and let’s grow together.

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