Courage to Bloom: Career Growth and Overcoming Fear for Native Women

career growth for native women native women in leadership native women rise overcoming fear in the workplace personal growth strategies professional development resilience and courage Oct 21, 2024

Growth happens in uncomfortable and scary moments. This is something I’ve experienced personally, especially as a Native woman navigating professional spaces. Life always brings challenges, and I’ve found that the way we respond to those moments can shape who we become. The growth comes when we act even when it feels uncomfortable.

Overcoming Fear and Building Resilience as Native Women

Fear has always accompanied me, especially in the form of social anxiety—though I didn’t know that’s what it was at the time. Public speaking, in particular, was one of my biggest fears. I knew it was something I had to overcome if I wanted to grow, so I made myself push through it.

I forced myself to take jobs where I had to present to hundreds of people and volunteered for positions that required interacting with large audiences. Even after all those experiences, I still feel afraid when I have to speak in front of others. But I’ve learned how to push through the fear and develop strategies to prepare myself. Every time I do it, I feel stronger—and always a little bit proud.

Fear won’t ever completely leave us, but it doesn’t have to stop us. We can learn to act with fear, and that’s where growth happens. Over the years, I’ve developed a process that helps me move forward when fear feels overwhelming. I call it the Courage to Bloom Framework, and I hope it can help you too.

The Courage to Bloom Framework: 5 Simple Steps for Growth

The Courage to Bloom Framework breaks down moments of fear into manageable steps, helping you stay focused and intentional. Here’s how it works:

  1. Name the Fear:
    What’s holding you back? Write it down. (Example: “I’m afraid my suggestion will sound foolish in the meeting.”)
  2. Envision the Worst-Case Scenario:
    Ask yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?” Often, it’s not as catastrophic as it seems.
  3. Plan a Response:
    If the worst-case scenario happens, how will you respond? Having a plan helps shift your focus from fear to preparation. (Example: “If I stumble over my words, I’ll pause, take a breath, and try again.”)
  4. Take One Small Action:
    What’s one small, manageable step you can take? It might be sharing one idea in a meeting or speaking with a colleague about a goal.
  5. Reflect and Celebrate:
    However it turns out, take a moment to reflect on what you learned. Celebrate the fact that you took action—because every step forward matters.

How Native Women Can Grow with the Courage to Bloom Framework and RISE

The Courage to Bloom Framework ties into the core principles of Native Women RISE. Each small act of courage contributes to your personal and professional journey—and to the journey of those around you. Here’s how it connects with our four pillars:


Naming fears and taking intentional action helps you stretch beyond your comfort zone. When I voiced my career goals to a colleague, it sparked something in both of us. Saying it aloud made it feel real, and we both followed through on our commitments. Reaching toward your goals starts with these small, intentional moments.


Every act of courage, no matter how small, can inspire others. When Native women see each other taking brave steps, it’s a reminder that we’re not alone—and that we’re capable of so much more than we think. Your courage can spark someone else’s journey.


No one should have to walk this path alone. Surrounding yourself with like-minded women makes the journey lighter. It’s easier to navigate challenges when you know you have others cheering you on—especially when things feel tough.


When we rise, we elevate others. Pursuing your goals, sharing your progress, and celebrating your wins isn’t just about personal success—it creates space for other Native women to rise too. We rise together, lifting as we climb.

Taking the Next Step: Lead Your Path with Courage

Some situations require courage to move forward, and it’s in those moments that we find new strength. Small actions add up, and every step builds momentum.

I’m building a space for Native women to connect, learn, and grow together—Native Women RISE. While it’s not live yet, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the kind of support or tools you’d find most valuable in your career journey. Your insights will help shape this community from the start, ensuring it serves the women it’s meant to uplift.

This is your journey, and it starts today. What step will you take?

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